Special Procedures is a diagnostic and minimally invasive procedure branch of Radiology used for evaluation and treatment of many medical conditions. We utilize the expertise of our specialty trained radiologists to perform over sixty different procedures. With our state-of-the-art equipment we are able to offer a variety of these procedures on an out-patient basis. Although some procedures may require recovery in the Out Patient Services area, most take 30-45 minutes to perform and you are able to go home shortly thereafter.

Scheduling your Procedure

Radiology Special Procedures (RADSP) is a referral service. Your physician’s office (PCP) or referral physician must have their business office call us direct to make an appointment. Depending on the type of procedure and your medical profile, a date will be set to accommodate your schedule as possible. A number will be given to you in case your appointment time and date cannot be met. It is very important that you attempt to call us as soon as possible to do so (540) 332-4434. If you decide to cancel your procedure, please notify RADSP and your PCP as soon as possible.

How Do I Prepare for My procedure?

Most of our procedures do not require any special preparation. There however are circumstances that will require testing of your blood before a procedure can be performed. Those patients requiring blood thinning medication may be asked to stop for a short period of time, so that your bleeding factors become normal. Other procedures may require you to stop taking certain medications that may interfere with your procedure as well. Not eating for a short amount of time may also be required. A radiology nurse or Special Procedure Technologist will call you a day or two before your procedure. At that time, your medical history and any pre-procedure requirements will be discussed.

The Day of Your Exam

Wear appropriate fitting clothes as discussed with the nurse or technologist. If you are having a procedure requiring conscious sedation or pain medication, be sure that a driver is available to take you home. Be sure to follow the eating instructions as discussed prior to your procedure. To prepare you further for your procedure, the Interventional Radiologist will come in and speak to you and obtain written permission to do your procedure. At this time it is appropriate to ask questions and have those clarified. You may be asked to dress into a hospital gown. Depending upon the type of procedure you are having, you may have an IV placed. During the procedure if given conscious sedation, oxygen may be administered.

What Happens after my Procedure?

If you are having a minimally invasive procedure that requires no conscious sedation, you will be released home shortly after the Radiologist has completed your procedure. Again it is important to have a driver take you home. Those patients having a procedure that require conscious sedation or post procedure observation (recovery), you will be transported to the OPS area on the second floor. From there, and as directed by the radiologist, you will be released home. You must have a responsible adult take you home from OPS. If there are post procedure orders, you will be given those instructions before you are released. Biopsy procedure results are not typically given the same day. You can expect results from the pathology department to be available in 3-5 business days. A copy of your results will be forwarded to your Primary Care Physician, referring physician or both. In case you feel the need to contact the RADSP department for any reason after your procedure, please call the numbers on the form provided.

Billing and Payment

Your Primary Care Physician or referring physician must provide a referral to Radiology Special Procedures in order to obtain treatment. Some insurers require pre-authorization. Please have this discussion with your PCP’s office staff or your insurance company prior to your procedure. Please provide your insurance cards, ID or driver’s license to register the day of your procedure.