
Augusta Health provides a 24-hour reporting hotline to report any compliance-related issues. Reports may be filed by phone, or online. If reporting online, please enter Augusta Health on the log-in screen.

(888) 750-3230

File Report Online

Reporting is confidential and can be used for reporting any kind of suspicious activity. Reportable issues include, but are not limited to:

• Compliance/ Conduct Violations• Overpayment Issues• Misuse of Company Property
• HIPAA/Patient Privacy Concerns• Violation of the Law• Violation of Company Policy
• Quality of Service• Internal Controls• Falsification of Documentation
• Inappropriate Charges/Coding• Threats• EMTALA
• Fraud• Bribery/Kickbacks• Theft of Assets
• Conflicts of Interest  

In order to research filed reports, the following basic information will be required:

  1. A description of the concern
  2. Who is involved
  3. When and where the incident took place
  4. Your name and contact information (unless reporting anonymously)

If you prefer, you may report your concern via email: Please include the basic information listed above. Please be aware you will not remain anonymous when emailing, however, the confidentiality of the person reporting will be maintained.