How We Support Community Members with Commercial Insurance

We support community members with commercial insurance by:

Keeping You Healthy
Our team works with doctors and other health care providers to make sure you are getting the preventive care services you need. We actively promote annual physicals, cancer screenings and immunizations, and we track how well doctors are connecting with patients to provide those services.

Managing Chronic Disease
Completing regular lab work, tracking vital signs, and getting appropriate medications are all important parts of effectively managing a chronic disease and preventing unnecessary hospitalizations. In partnership with Augusta Medical Group, we identify when these services are needed and reach out to patients who may have questions about medications or treatment plans.

Coordinating Care
Communication is key! Our team works hard to make sure the lines of communication are open between you and your doctor, and that your health care providers are sharing information about your treatment plan. Our team of Case Managers are available to help you navigate challenges with health, successfully transition from hospital to home, or make sure you have everything they need after a visit to the Emergency Room.


If you are a commercial insurer and would like to partner with Augusta Health, we would love to hear from you.  Please call one of the members of our leadership team.

Clint Merritt, Chief Clinical Officer of Population Health (540-332-4422)