Pre-Admission Testing

Pre-Admission Testing
The Preadmission Testing (PAT) Clinic, in collaboration with the Augusta Health Anesthesia department, is committed to providing a valuable service to our patients and surgeons with the mutual goal of lowering surgical risk and improving clinical outcomes through preoperative assessment and coordination of care. We use anesthesia driven pre-op testing criteria to reduce last minute cancellations and assure optimization of health conditions. Let PAT be your safety net in preparing patients for the best surgical experience possible!
Services we provide:
- Referral to specialists as needed with recommendations communicated to the entire surgical team. Typical referrals include cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, hematology and nephrology, as indicated
- Two pathways to evaluate patients: In-person with physical exam, or by phone. You should allow up to 1 hour for your visit.
- Collection of bloodwork, urine specimens, and ECGs according to standardized guidelines. You do not need to be NPO for lab work and you may take your medications as you normally do.
- Obtain all pertinent medical records to accurately guide clinical decision making
Who should have an In-person Evaluation
Patients with complex medical conditions or suspected issues; examples include :
- Chest pain, heart failure, cardiac bypass or stents
- Pulmonary conditions requiring steroids or home oxygen
- Diabetes or presence of diabetes risk factors
- Patient on anticoagulation other than aspirin
- Those who are unable to walk up a flight of stairs without shortness of breath
Any uncontrolled medical condition or new problem that has not been addressed.
Complex/ high-risk spine or vascular surgery, joint replacements or major abdominal surgery.
Appropriate patients for phone interview:
Patients with mild diseases only without significant functional limitations. Well controlled diabetes or hypertension, mild lung disease.