Pre-Admission Testing

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Services we provide:

    • Referral to specialists as needed with recommendations communicated to the entire surgical team. Typical referrals include cardiology, pulmonology, endocrinology, hematology and nephrology, as indicated
    • Two pathways to evaluate patients: In-person with physical exam, or by phone. You should allow up to 1 hour for your visit.
    • Collection of bloodwork, urine specimens, and ECGs according to standardized guidelines. You do not need to be NPO for lab work and you may take your medications as you normally do.
    • Obtain all pertinent medical records to accurately guide clinical decision making
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Appropriate patients for phone interview:

Patients with mild diseases only without significant functional limitations. Well controlled diabetes or hypertension, mild lung disease.

Our Team

Stephanie Findley
Stephanie Findley, FNP-C

Breast Center Services, Pre-Admission Testing