Patient & Family Information

Shenandoah House
Opened in 2009, the Shenandoah House provides a comfortable home-like environment
to eligible hospice patients needing general inpatient acute or respite care. The house
has 4 bedrooms and accommodates patient, visitor, and family needs and respects
individual independence and dignity. The hospice house has 24 hour compassionate
care provided by RN’s, LPN’s and volunteers. Augusta Health Hospice of the Shenandoah
professional staff supports patients and families residing in our facility.
Pediatric Care
Hospice care for children often looks different than it does for adults. Children can
receive what is referred to as concurrent care; a model of care where disease-directed
and curative therapies can be received in addition to their hospice care. Treatment
options and service options can be overwhelming to a family facing a terminal illness
with a child. Our team works hard to help families sort through all the difficult decisions
they have to make keeping their values and the patient’s quality of life at the forefront of
those conversations. Augusta Health Hospice of the Shenandoah is the preferred hospice
for pediatric care in our community. We partner with the child’s medical team to provide
a cohesive collaboration and the best quality of life and end-of-life care possible for the
child and the family. We work with each family to provide care and support centered
around their needs in the following ways:
- Expert management of pain and other physical symptoms
- Regular nursing visits to manage pain and other symptoms
- Support 24/7 with our on-call service
- Home delivery of medications and equipment
- Hospice aides who can assist with daily care needs
- Social worker who helps the child and the family cope with varying issues at hand
- Work with other children in the home if appropriate
- Legacy building if the child is able to participate
- Coordinates services
- Provides emotional support
- Assists with any financial needs at hand
- Chaplain for spiritual support
- Volunteers to assist the child and family with respite, meal preparation, and other
supportive services
We Honor Veterans
Augusta Health Hospice of the Shenandoah is a proud WHV (We Honor Veterans) level
three partner. This is a partnership between NHPCO (National Hospice & Palliative Care
Organization) and the VA where we recognize the unique needs of America’s Veterans
and their families. This program offers guidance and resources focused on respectful
inquiry, compassionate listening, and grateful acknowledgment so that Veterans can be
guided toward a more peaceful ending.
Veteran volunteers are available to make recognition visits as appropriate to every veteran in our care to honor their service to our country and present them with several tokens of appreciation.
Every veteran in our care receives:
- A branch specific framed certificate acknowledging their service
- A flag lapel pin
- A star cut out of a retired American flag from “Stars For Our Troops”
- A “Caring for Our Veterans” booklet for seriously ill Veterans, their families and caregivers. This booklet is full of resources and helpful information.
- A branch specific medallion on a display stand
- A United States Veteran’s fleece blanket
- Combat and career Veterans also receive a hand-made patriotic quilt made and
donated by area quilters
This program is completely supported and funded by the Augusta Health Foundation
through generous donations from our community
How Can Hospice Help My Loved One in a Facility?
We have the privilege of partnering together with local facilities to provide excellent care
to our patients. Hospice coordinates hospice services and compliments the care already
being provided by these facilities. A Hospice Care Manager would be assigned to your
loved one to work along with the facility. Together we make sure that you receive the
best care possible. Hospice patients in facilities can also receive social work services as
well as aide services, chaplain and volunteer support when requested.
Difficult Decisions
Sometimes the right choices for you and your loved one can be very hard to make. The
most difficult decisions a family faces often surround the health care of a seriously ill
loved one. Hospice and palliative care professionals are experts in assisting with difficult
decisions and options. Please let us know if we can help you or walk with you through
those tough decisions.
Paying For Hospice Care
Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurances cover the cost of hospice care. Once
the patient has chosen hospice care, coverage will include:
- Education and support (physical, psychosocial, emotional & spiritual) from all
members of the interdisciplinary team - Medications related to the terminal illness
- Respiratory equipment related to the terminal illness
- Medical equipment and supplies related to the terminal illness
- Management of the patient’s pain & symptoms
- Bereavement care and counseling to surviving caregiver for 13 months
Choosing hospice does not mean that you have lost your Medicare coverage for health issues not related to your hospice diagnosis. These items are still covered under your Medicare benefit.
Patients that utilize private health insurance coverage and/or Medicare Advantage plans are still covered. Many of these plans have hospice benefits and work the same as standard Medicare plans. Our intake team will determine hospice coverage based on your payer and will inform you of any and all insurance coverage and details prior to your enrollment into our program. In addition, Augusta Health offers a generous financial assistance program to patients that are not insured. Once a financial screening is completed you may qualify for a reduced rate of 60% to 100%. No patient is turned away based on the ability to pay.
Our staff is ready to respond to your individual needs and concerns surrounding the care of you and your loved ones. Please let us know how we can serve you. We have printed materials available upon request and offer the following online resources to assist you.
- Hospice Compare –
- Funeralocity –
- Funeral Consumer Alliance of the Blue Ridge –
- Dementia at End of Life –
- WHV (We Honor Veterans) –
- DNR –
- Advance Directives –
- Caregiver Support –
- For Caregivers & Patients –
- VA Caregiver Support
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs –
- Life Balance for Caregivers
- Aging Network Newsletter –
- Fall Prevention –
- National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (
- Eldercare Locator –
- Caring Connections –
- Hospice Net –
- Dying Well –
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline –
- VirginiaNavigator – Nonprofit guide to aging, disability and veterans’ services in Virginia –
The following booklets are also available in the hospice office if you desire a copy:
- When Death is Near – A Caregiver’s Guide
- Sudden Loss – A Guide To Understanding Traumatic Grief
- Caring For Our Veterans – A Guide For Seriously Ill Veterans, Their Families & Caregivers
- What Do We Do Now? – When a Child is Seriously Ill
- My Friend I Care – The Grief Experience
- Hard Choices For Loving People – CPR, Artificial Feeding, Comfort Care, and the Patient With a Life-Threatening Illness
Watch this video about Oxygen Safety in Your Home
If you are in need of hiring a caregiver and need a list of names in the community, please
reach out to your social worker and they can get a list for you. These caregivers have
requested to have their contact information added to the list but they are not employees
of Augusta Health nor recommended by Augusta Health.